PLIP Magazine numero3 EN.pdf

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Easter bunnies
For 6 bunnies, you need:
500 gr flour
3 dl lukewarm milk
50 gr butter
20 gr yeast
1 tsp salt
1 tblsp sugar
1 egg yolk

Mix the flour and salt in a bowl
and form a well
Mix the yeast in a little milk and put the
rest of the milk in a saucepan with butter,
sugar and gently melt
Pour these 2 mixtures in a big bowl, mix well
and knead this dough
Let the dough rest for an hour
Divide the dough into 6 portions and form
the bunnies, place them on a plate
Let them rest for an hour
Brush the bunnies with egg yolk
Put them in the oven at 220 degree for
15 minutes.
And enjoy!

but where did
Flap go?